Andrew Carnegie and Napoleon Hill Explain It All For Us!
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThere are thousands of books on how to create success for yourself, but most of them can trace their ancestry to a unique collaboration between two remarkable men: Napoleon Hill and Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie arrived in American as a penniless Scottish immigrant in 1848 and not only created what became
Five Lessons From Marissa Mayer
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThere are many articles on Marissa Mayer who has taken on the remarkable task of trying to make sense of what business Yahoo is in and what its future might be. Whatever the outcome, you have to admire the career she’s had so far. One business writer has recapped her journey
From Leather to Electronics – What Can We Learn from Radio Shack?
Reading Time: < 1 minuteMost people alive today would have trouble remembering when there wasn’t a local Radio Shack store. For years, it was synonymous with things electronic. This past week it filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy with most if of its brick and mortar assets probably destined to be resurrected as Sprint Stores.
5 Habits of Highly Annoying Leaders
Reading Time: < 1 minuteMany executives are constantly asking “how can I be better?” and “‘what can I do differently?” As important as that question is, an equally important question is what should I stop doing? Maybe a good place to start would be this article: Five Habits of Highly Annoying Leaders . After reading this article, ask yourself,
Knowing something does nothing…Doing something does
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI was relaxing on my vacation last week and reading a book by Brene Brown – Daring Greatly. It was a good read and I highly recommend it for those who want to grow their leadership skills. One of those ‘light goes off’ moments was when she discussed (as a leader), the
Leadership, Leverage and Legacy
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhen reflecting on my life and how grateful I am with all our blessings, I can’t stop thinking about leadership and what it means to each of us. Leadership, the ability to inspire others by eliciting their support and aid towards achieving a goal is a contact sport. We can not sit
Steve Jobs – What Else He Got Wrong
Reading Time: < 1 minuteForbes featured an article about the unfortunate health care choices that Apple founder Steve Job had made that many feel led to his untimely death. (see What Steve Jobs’ Death Teaches Us All About Our Own Health Care ). Despite his legendary success and contributions, it may also be fairly asked if at times he succeeded
Quit Like a Winner
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe’ve all been taught that “quitters never win and winners never quit.” This time worn wisdom sounds great but may not be true according marketing guru Seth Godin who asserts that Winners do quit, and quitters do win. Life is about making choices because you can’t try everything. Godin advises that knowing
Do You Have an Open Office Trap?
Reading Time: < 1 minuteNearly 70% of all offices feature an “open floor” plan without private offices. Earlier this year, a New Yorker magazine article asserted that the open office may be a contributor to a sense of shared mission, but recent studies show that there may be a real cost in terms of health (both
Poison Pills and Obstacle Courses
Reading Time: < 1 minuteA poison pill is a tactic used by a publicly held company threatened with an unwelcome takeover bid to make itself unattractive to the bidder. Beach obstacles are intended to slow down an invading force. Nationally known IT Security Expert and speaker Mike Foster thinks you should be presenting a wide variety of both to those who