What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been
Reading Time: < 1 minuteApple made history this week by becoming the first company to achieve a trillion dollar market cap. Given Apple’s success in recent years, you might not be surprised that it passed this milestone, but it’s 40 year history has not been a straight upward sloping line. There was a time
Days of Disruption (No. 4): The Truly World Wide Web, at last
Reading Time: < 1 minuteMost of us have heard of Moore’s law, named after legendary Intel founder Gordon Moore who predicted, correctly, decades ago that microprocessor speeds would double every 18 months and be accompanied by a halving of costs. Equally impressive is the progress that has been made in the speed of communication between
The Care of Our Time
Reading Time: < 1 minuteBenjamin Franklin once challenged a friend, “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.” You’ll love your time more once you realize how much of it you are wasting. Start buying back some of the only resource you can’t buy more of
2 Steps to Double Digits
Reading Time: < 1 minuteNobody would dispute that referrals are a vital aspect of sales success but do you really understand where they come from and how to systematically generate them? Vistage Chief Research Officer Joe Galvin asked several thousand Vistage members running SMB companies to contribute their best practices in referral generation. This short article
Days of Disruption (No. 3)
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt seems almost ironic that an industry that specializes in the most tangible of assets, land and buildings, is being disrupted by something that is not tangible at all. Yet, one residential real estate company has grown to 12,000 agents (doubling from 6,000 agents since January 1 of this year alone) and achieving
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf you’re looking to start a business, or advising a young entrepreneur to do so, a fundamental choice is what kind of business to start. A very successful venture capitalist suggests that many people only look at the type of businesses they see succeeding around them, or that they themselves buy
35 Startup Steps
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf you’re thinking about starting up a business, or know someone who is, an article from Forbes may save some time or trouble. Richard Harroch, Managing Partner at venture capital firm Vantage Point has watched many start-ups succeed, and mostly fail. He offers a valuable checklist of thirty five steps to buy
5 Communication Practices That Set Leaders Apart
Reading Time: 3 minutesMoving into a leadership position comes with a collection of additional responsibilities and (often) unspoken expectations. When communicating as a leader, you must constantly be aware of the intricate details of your own behavior. It’s essential to communicate in a way that will be heard, understood, and encourage action. Not
Age and Treachery, or Youth and Skill
Reading Time: < 1 minuteOur culture is youth obsessed in many ways, not the least of which is the perception that twenty-something’s have an edge in entrepreneurship over older (Boomers) business people despite the latter’s broader and deeper experience. Several researchers decided to test the conventional wisdom and took a look at entrepreneurial success
How You Make It, How You Take It
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe create much of our own reality by our actions, but much of what happens to us is beyond our control. In the latter instance, how we decide to respond, can not only impact our well-being, but can often by itself create a new outcome, as this short video of a