Author: Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Dedicated to helping you achieve your maximum potential

Elvis Presley, CEO


Reading Time: < 1 minuteAugust 16 was the 40th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley at age 42. (Hard to believe Elvis would be 82 now!)  Much has, is and will be written about “The King” and I will not attempt to recount his astonishing musical career here. But Elvis has much to

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Decisions, Decisions


Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe essence of leadership and management is the ability to make the right decisions.  Much has been written on how to make good decisions but maybe an essential first step is to know the kind of decision you have to make. This short article from HBR offers a Four Step

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The Passion Trap


Reading Time: < 1 minute“Follow Your Passion”….. “Do What You Love”….. “Build It and They Will Come.”   These phrases have practically become big laws of career wisdom; but do they really lead to success?   Many would-be entrepreneurs have found that starting businesses by following their passion results in no one following them. Ultimately, passion

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Do Leaders Need Coaches?


Reading Time: < 1 minuteAll executives should heed Malcolm Gladwell’s warning that “No one — not rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires, and not even geniuses — ever makes it alone.” A recent installment in Vistage Speaker Andi Simon’s new podcast series explores why “Leaders Need Coaches to Succeed.”   Andi invited me

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How to Fail In Public


Reading Time: < 1 minuteFear of failure can take a number of forms but the one that keeps many of us from taking a risk is the fear of failing where everyone can see.  A few words from Richard Branson may help.

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Apples or Chewing Gum


Reading Time: < 1 minuteApple’s Iphone, perhaps the most successful consumer product of all time, celebrated its 10th birthday this past week.  You may be aware of the effect it has had on you, but these ten charts from Recode paints a broader and more disruptive picture that may surprise you. Learn how the

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Queen Mary Requests Your Presence


Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe two most eagerly awaited events every spring are the opening of baseball season and Mary Meeker’s, (aka Queen of the Internet,) annual Internet Trends presentation.  As the lead internet analyst at VC firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers,  millions of business people rely on her analysis and predictions. Whether

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Cleaning up on Every Aisle


Reading Time: < 1 minuteBy now you’ve heard at Amazon is paying almost $14 Billion for Whole Foods.  This seems counter intuitive on two fronts: a move into brick and mortar by a firm that has done so much damage to the brick and mortar world ….who is also world famous for low prices

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The CEO and Five Hour Workday


Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf you’re wondering why all the technology hasn’t shortened your work day, maybe you need to look at how you’re working.  One CEO felt that the workday could be cut in half ….and proceeded to do so. This three minute video featuring Stephan Arastol, the CEO of  Tower Paddle Boards 

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A Graduation Gift…


Reading Time: 3 minutesIt’s commencement time and whether your child is in high school, off to college, headed to a summer internship, or off to conquer the world, here is collection of my favorite commencement speaker advice and a few other observations that you may wish to share with the young people in

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Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Interested in maximizing your leadership potential? Phil Holberton offers a growing library of free resources to help you do so.


The 12-Step Journey Toward Enlightenment

Phil’s 12-step white paper detailing how to hone your skills, approach and vision in order to become a leader.

Your First 90 Days

Phil’s essay about the most important period of your employment: your first 90 days.

Phil Holberton’s Success Wheel

This is a graphical tool and simple exercise to help you take control of your life.

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