Tag: mental fitness

Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Dedicated to helping you achieve your maximum potential

Your Orchestra for Success


Reading Time: 2 minutes Ah, weaving together sleep, physical fitness, and mental fitness into a leadership tapestry—let’s dive in and recreate something fresh but with the same essence, your orchestra for success. In the grand symphony of effective leadership, sleep, physical fitness, and mental fitness are the trio of instruments playing the most pivotal

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Cultivating Mental Agility


Reading Time: 3 minutes Cultivating mental agility is akin to engaging in a dynamic workout for your brain, emphasizing flexibility, strength, and endurance. It’s about adapting your thinking, seamlessly switching between tasks, and approaching problems from multiple angles. For leaders and coaches, mental agility is crucial for navigating today’s complex, fast-paced business environment. Here are

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Organizational Development: Personalized Executive Support


Reading Time: 4 minutes An organization would be nothing without its people. Even the best organizations need skilled leaders at all levels to stay motivated, supported, and guided in finding creative solutions to challenging problems. Leaders do not simply arise out of nowhere. Rather, organizations develop such roles for people to advance into executive leadership and assist firms in developing other leaders with company-based values, visions, and overall goals.

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Positive Intelligence: The Beginning of Emotional Intelligence


Reading Time: 4 minutes Positive intelligence (PQ) is a measurement of how well your thinking can benefit you in the workplace. Essential players are on the frontlines of this never-ending mental battle: The destructive “Saboteur” and the wise “Sage”. Different regions and muscle powers of the brain fuel the Saboteurs and Sage. Both are crucial to improving one’s PQ — then, subsequently, one’s emotional intelligence (EQ). It’s all about understanding how to navigate them.

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Key Advice for Leadership Development


Reading Time: 4 minutes Leaders’ essential habits to be effective are ingrained in good leadership practices and leadership development.

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The 3 Leadership Habits You Need to Grow as an Executive


Reading Time: 4 minutes Every great leader you know has leadership habits that have allowed them to evolve from a good leader, to one that makes an impact on the people and organizations they work lead.

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How to Combat Your Saboteurs and Eliminate Self-Doubt


Reading Time: 4 minutes We’ll be looking at your saboteurs in the final part of this series. The most crucial aspect of Positive Intelligence® is identifying and managing these saboteurs to prevent yourself from falling into the same cycle of negative thinking.

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Using Positive Intelligence to Manage Your Self-Judgement


Reading Time: 4 minutes In part 3 of this series, we’ll be covering “the judge,” which we can think of as the voice inside your head that brings up every mistake you’ve ever made, every doubt you’ve ever had, or every shortcoming you’ve ever noticed within yourself.

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The Key to Positive Thinking – Your Sage


Reading Time: 4 minutes This is part two of my blog series on Positive Intelligence® and this week we’ll be focusing on your sage.

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Why Positive Intelligence is so Important for Leaders


Reading Time: 3 minutes Positive Intelligence is one way we can verify the state of our mental fitness. It’s vital for your success as an upcoming or current leader and without a proper guide, improving your positive intelligence can be challenging to say the least.

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Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Interested in maximizing your leadership potential? Phil Holberton offers a growing library of free resources to help you do so.


The 12-Step Journey Toward Enlightenment

Phil’s 12-step white paper detailing how to hone your skills, approach and vision in order to become a leader.

Your First 90 Days

Phil’s essay about the most important period of your employment: your first 90 days.

Phil Holberton’s Success Wheel

This is a graphical tool and simple exercise to help you take control of your life.

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