Author: Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Dedicated to helping you achieve your maximum potential

TV – Version 3.0


Reading Time: < 1 minutePhones went from calls that required operator assistance to the ones in our pockets…..computers went from “big iron” to the devices in front of us, that thanks to Moore’s law, double in power every 18 months.   TV went from rabbit ears to cable to what technology watcher Robert X. Cringely (former

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Do You Have an Open Office Trap?


Reading Time: < 1 minuteNearly 70% of all offices feature an “open floor” plan without private offices.  Earlier this year, a New Yorker magazine article asserted that the open office may be a contributor to a sense of shared mission, but recent studies show that there may be a real cost in terms of health (both

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Poison Pills and Obstacle Courses


Reading Time: < 1 minuteA poison pill  is a tactic used by a publicly held company threatened with an unwelcome takeover bid to make itself unattractive to the bidder. Beach obstacles are intended to slow down an invading force. Nationally known IT Security Expert and speaker Mike Foster thinks you should be presenting a wide variety of both to those who

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Are You the Bottleneck?


Reading Time: < 1 minutePeter Drucker once remarked that, when it came to a company’s overall performance,  the “bottleneck is always at the top of the bottle.”  Does that describe your impact on your company?  In the long run, companies won’t be better than their leadership and that means continual learning.   This article from Entrepreneur magazine

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Ten Worst Business Decisions of All Time


Reading Time: < 1 minuteAnyone can learn from their own mistakes.  It takes a smart person to learn from someone else’s mistakes.  To that end , here are the “Ten Worst Business Decisions of All Time” according to two Australians who offer a collection of videos about 10 Best or 10 Worst lists on

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Driving Miss Daisy (and everyone else)


Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe wonderful film  “Driving Miss Daisy”  portrayed an aging wealthy widow who could afford to hire a chauffeur to drive her when she no longer could. The driverless car touted by Google and others will make it possible for all of us to have chauffeurs when we no longer can (or

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Getting Better at Getting Better – a/k/a Continuous Improvement


Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe ever increasing degree of competition in the world means that,  learning and development can never end.  A recent article looks at how the meaning of high performance in the worlds of sports, the arts and finally business ,  and what it now takes to achieve it,  has changed over the years.  The

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Looking Forward to Your Future – Do You Wanna Be an Old Master?


Reading Time: < 1 minuteNot only can you expect to live longer than your parents, you can expect a longer retirement and maybe a second career if you want (or need to because the first one did not provide enough for your to retire on).  To get ready for that day, check out this

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Jumpstart 2015: Try November Resolutions


Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe are less than two months away from New Year’s Day and the resolutions we’ll make (but probably not keep).   If you want to escape this vicious cycle, try starting in November with a 30 day technique that will dramatically enhance your chances of success.  But don’t take my word for it. 

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Speaking of Leadership® – If It Works at Google, Is It Right for Others?


Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe management practices of successful companies are often touted as ground breaking. Some like Zappos claim to have abandoned traditional management structures altogether in favor of “holacracy”.   Yahoo at one time allowed large numbers of employees to work from home (although the latest CEO Marissa Mayer quickly put an end

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Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Interested in maximizing your leadership potential? Phil Holberton offers a growing library of free resources to help you do so.


The 12-Step Journey Toward Enlightenment

Phil’s 12-step white paper detailing how to hone your skills, approach and vision in order to become a leader.

Your First 90 Days

Phil’s essay about the most important period of your employment: your first 90 days.

Phil Holberton’s Success Wheel

This is a graphical tool and simple exercise to help you take control of your life.

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