D is for Don’t Give Up
Reading Time: 2 minutesHow often are we in the middle of a struggle, trying to get an undertaking or objective achieved, when we just want to give up. “There is no way I can accomplish this,” we say to ourselves. “I’m just not going to be successful.” Whether you are a sales professional
A is for Attitude
Reading Time: 3 minutesIn this economic environment and observing what is going on in the world around us, we might question our own attitude these days. Can we continue to remain optimistic or is the environment chipping away at our very soul and belief system? Leaders are not immune to this milieu; we
Setting Your Team Goals The SMART Way
Reading Time: 2 minutesIf I have learned one thing about goal setting, it is harder than we think. In my mind, every one of the goals is achievable, well before the scheduled completion date! But, why do I always fall short? For many, goal setting seems to be a waste of time. Why
Collaboration – a Key Success Factor for Effective Teams
Reading Time: < 1 minuteTeams need to collaborate to be effective – getting along with one another and focusing on the objectives or mission of the team to achieve its goals. Today there is more and more pressure to meet team objectives – there is not enough slack in the economy to be wasteful
Initiating Change – The Leader’s Biggest Challenge
Reading Time: 3 minutesLeadership is about looking to the future, almost with the uncanny ability to look around corners and see what is there. Effective leaders are mapping out the future and most of the mapping has to do with making organizational changes, strategic decisions about the business that will ensure an exciting
Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role
Reading Time: 3 minutesOne of the most difficult human activities is to take on something new and feel comfortable doing so, especially when your experience in the past has been limited. Remember when you were promoted to department manager or you were given responsibility to supervise another individual? Recall, if you can, how
Under Promising, Over Performing – The Art of Being and Effective
Reading Time: 2 minutesOften we take shortcuts in doing what is required. To be recognized as true leaders and develop trust among our peers, followers, and boards of directors, we need to deliver against what we say we will do. So many of us have a hard time keeping in check the “Yes,
Meetings, Ah Meetings: Tips To Make Them Productive
Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you ever stopped to figure out how much meetings cost, you would be amazed at the staggering price of a sit-down. We need to aware of the cost of having meetings and plan carefully. I’m not referring to the three-day off-site meetings that have a specific purpose to them.
The Leadership Journey: Becoming an Enlightened Leader (Part II)
Reading Time: 2 minutesLast month, we introduced you to the 12 lessons of the Leader’s journey. Lesson II: Seek out role models and think big: Successful leaders, whether their goal is to build a company from scratch or build a career as an executive at an existing organization, study those who have gone
The Leadership Journey: Becoming an Enlightened Leader (Part I)
Reading Time: 4 minutesLeaders need to go beyond knowing the answers to seeking the answers. How can I become a more effective leader? What steps can I take to enhance my leadership skills? Every thoughtful executive or manager should ask such questions regularly. In this article, we’ll offer some practical approaches to answering