Tag: Saboteurs

Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Dedicated to helping you achieve your maximum potential

Positive Intelligence: The Beginning of Emotional Intelligence


Reading Time: 4 minutesPositive intelligence (PQ) is a measurement of how well your thinking can benefit you in the workplace. Essential players are on the frontlines of this never-ending mental battle: The destructive “Saboteur” and the wise “Sage”. Different regions and muscle powers of the brain fuel the Saboteurs and Sage. Both are crucial to improving one’s PQ — then, subsequently, one’s emotional intelligence (EQ). It’s all about understanding how to navigate them.

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How to Combat Your Saboteurs and Eliminate Self-Doubt


Reading Time: 4 minutesWe’ll be looking at your saboteurs in the final part of this series. The most crucial aspect of Positive Intelligence® is identifying and managing these saboteurs to prevent yourself from falling into the same cycle of negative thinking.

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Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Interested in maximizing your leadership potential? Phil Holberton offers a growing library of free resources to help you do so.


The 12-Step Journey Toward Enlightenment

Phil’s 12-step white paper detailing how to hone your skills, approach and vision in order to become a leader.

Your First 90 Days

Phil’s essay about the most important period of your employment: your first 90 days.

Phil Holberton’s Success Wheel

This is a graphical tool and simple exercise to help you take control of your life.

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