“Risky Business” (Yours!)

Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Dedicated to helping you achieve your maximum potential

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Risk is so pervasive in business that we often fail to ask ourselves if we really understand the fundamental nature of it, how to assess it and then manage it.  This short article by Jean Proussen of the Institute of Directors provides a valuable primer for C-Level Executives for thinking about, and coping with that which cannot be avoided; risk and uncertainty.

He offers three simple rules he calls the “ABCs of risk.”  Before you read his short article, can you fill in the blanks for his suggested three rules?

“A_____  nothing.”

“B_____  no one.”

“C_____  everything.”

As he says:  “Risks are Everywhere:  How Can You Protect Your Business?”

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CATEGORIES: Communications, Critical Thinking, Discipline, Risk

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