Toys Were Us

Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Dedicated to helping you achieve your maximum potential

Reading Time: < 1 minute

It’s one thing for a business or industry to suffer a significant downturn.  It’s quite another for an industry icon to disappear entirely.

To wit: the Toys ‘R’ Us shutdown, liquidation and its soon to be total disappearance from the retail scene.

 What can we learn from the demise of  Toys ‘R’ Us?  

Vistage Speaker Marc Emmer offers a few take-aways from this debacle that you may face when your industry is up for disruption.

Check out his one page post at the Vistage Research Center 5 Lessons Learned.  How Suppliers Tried to Save Toys ‘R’ Us.

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CATEGORIES: Change, Competition, Decision Making, Economics, Organization

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