The REAL Joan Rivers

Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Dedicated to helping you achieve your maximum potential

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The unexpected death of iconic comedian Joan Rivers brought the usual torrent of information from celebrity sources that either did not know her, wish they did, wished they didn’t …or wished she knew them!

One of the more thoughtful  tributes to Rivers came from someone who actually knew her well.   The WSJ’s Peggy Noonan (former Reagan Whitehouse speechwriter) devoted a recent Column recalling her friendship with Rivers over the years.  It  portrays a woman who made it on her own with enormous perseverance and could display significant courage; in one case to save the life of another during a visit to the White House. 

Check out Noonan’s column  Joan Rivers: The Entertainer   for a different take on River’s life, including her surprising counter-intuitive thoughts on Las Vegas, the Mafia, and some surprising political leanings.


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CATEGORIES: Communications, Inspiration, Love

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