I was relaxing on my vacation last week and reading a book by Brene Brown – Daring Greatly. It was a good read and I highly recommend it for those who want to grow their leadership skills.
One of those ‘light goes off’ moments was when she discussed (as a leader), the difference between a business architect (planner) and business traveler (doer). This got me to thinking the behaviors needed to put together a good strategic and operational plan (strong cognitive skills) and those behaviors required for being a traveler (largely emotional). Emotionally we need to be able to take risks, fail (at some level) be comfortable with being a bit uncomfortable (this is another of Brene Brown’s research points). Knowing your plan and doing something to implement it require two different motivations – knowing vs doing. Ask yourself – are you more into architecting or into implementing – “Knowing” what to do compared with “Doing” something about it.
If you want to stretch your leadership thinking and learning, dial up her TedX Video – The Power of Vulnerability – with over 18,000,000 views.