Category: Legacy

Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Dedicated to helping you achieve your maximum potential

Investing for All – The Loss of a Legendary Investor – Jack Bogle


Reading Time: < 1 minuteWarren Buffet once said if a statue were to be erected to the person who had done the most for the American investor “the hands-down choice should be Jack Bogle.”  John C. (Jack) Bogle passed away this week at the age of 90.  He was the founder of the Vanguard Group and

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A Question of Degree (Your Child’s)


Reading Time: < 1 minuteA college degree has generally been thought by parents and students to be the path to a better career, and by employers as a reliable predictor of performance. The value of that degree, however, is coming into question. A short article from HBR explores the question of whether higher education

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Triggers and Cycles


Reading Time: < 1 minuteBlogger Seth Godin offers a simple but powerful insight about behavior that,  if you’re aware of it, could put you on the road to breaking those vicious cycles that hold you back at best, or push you back,  at worst.  Take 30 seconds for some insights on “Triggers and Cycles.”   Just imagine, you

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Resumes and Eulogies


Reading Time: < 1 minuteYour business card will not be carved on your tombstone.  We used to have careers; now it often feels that our careers have us. Take 4 minutes and 58 seconds for a TED Video by New York Times Columnist and PBS News Hour regular David Brooks as he explores the question of whether you should

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Paul Allen – A Nice Man, Gone Too Soon


Reading Time: < 1 minuteSadly, we live too much in a “winner take all world” and this applies as much to fame in business as in other fields.   To wit:  the passing of Paul Allen who co-founded Microsoft and thereby the computer revolution of the past forty years.   Bill Gates (the other Microsoft co-founder)

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Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Interested in maximizing your leadership potential? Phil Holberton offers a growing library of free resources to help you do so.


The 12-Step Journey Toward Enlightenment

Phil’s 12-step white paper detailing how to hone your skills, approach and vision in order to become a leader.

Your First 90 Days

Phil’s essay about the most important period of your employment: your first 90 days.

Phil Holberton’s Success Wheel

This is a graphical tool and simple exercise to help you take control of your life.

Thank you for your interest! Check your inbox to confirm your subscription and receive your free white paper.