
For over 15 years, Phil Holberton has held an academic appointment at Brandeis University’s Rabb School of Graduate Professional Studies where his focus has been primarily Leadership & Communication courses. In the past he has also taught at Northeastern University, Boston University and Babson College.

At Brandies, his focus is the elements of leadership. Formerly teaching in the classroom, all courses below are now conducted online, opening up student access from around the world.

Organizational Leadership and Decision-Making.

This course provides an opportunity for students to focus on leadership and the applicable skills needed to function as a leader in an organizational setting. The course looks at leadership as a process by which one person influences the attitudes and behaviors of others. Concepts covered include various leadership theories and models, leadership across cultures, leadership ethics and attributes, organizational change/development, and the role of the leader in establishing organizational culture and facilitating change. The course encourages self-assessment through group projects and leadership simulations.

Strategic Information Technology: Organizational Strategy

This course looks at strategic issues for the IT organization within the context of the larger organization and the relationship between the two. This course is designed to help today’s and tomorrow’s IT Directors/CIOs effectively exploit information systems technologies within the context of a company’s business needs.

Professional Communications

This course prepares professionals with communication skills necessary for success in their fields. The course addresses interpersonal, small group and public communication, and involves extensive practice writing and speaking on a variety of informative and persuasive topics.

Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Set the Tone for a Successful Career

Interested in maximizing your leadership potential? Phil Holberton offers a growing library of free resources to help you do so.


The 12-Step Journey Toward Enlightenment

Phil’s 12-step white paper detailing how to hone your skills, approach and vision in order to become a leader.

Your First 90 Days

Phil’s essay about the most important period of your employment: your first 90 days.

Phil Holberton’s Success Wheel

This is a graphical tool and simple exercise to help you take control of your life.

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