The high-end (i.e. so-called “white collar”) jobs in our economy have been less affected by the rise of the internet than producers and distributors of goods and those holding lower level service jobs. If you’ve been spared so far, the party may be over soon.
Venture capitalist Andrew Chen offers a superb retrospective on the past, present, and future of the internet’s impact on the service economy from Craigslist to Uber, and predicts “the next era of service marketplaces will tackle the opportunities that have eluded previous eras of service marketplaces…and will bring the most difficult service categories online.”
This is an excellent article that puts the impact of the internet on business in historical perspective and offers a superb analysis of factors that could alter over 125 million jobs in the not too distant future.
Required reading in my opinion for everyone who wants to stay competitive. Find out how the new internet marketplaces will reinvent the service economy.