The Passion Trap

Phil Holberton

Phil Holberton

Dedicated to helping you achieve your maximum potential

Reading Time: < 1 minute

“Follow Your Passion”….. “Do What You Love”….. “Build It and They Will Come.”   These phrases have practically become big laws of career wisdom; but do they really lead to success?   Many would-be entrepreneurs have found that starting businesses by following their passion results in no one following them.

Ultimately, passion matters but maybe not in the way you think.  This short article points out “the brutal truth about following your passion” and contends that  “skills trump passion” in the formula for success.   This article should be required reading for anyone who intends to build a business and wants to avoid  “the passion trap.”

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CATEGORIES: Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Discipline, Goal Setting, Inspiration, Leadership, Perserverance, Personal Development, Personal Growth

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Set the Tone for a Successful Career

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