Before science fiction becomes science fact, there is usually a great deal of worry and negative fantasy, which is to be expected as this is how most of us cope with uncertainty. The promises and threats of Artificial Intelligence are no different.
In an attempt to get past the fear and loathing, The Brookings Institute has prepared a report which concludes that “the discourse (regarding AI) appears to be arriving at a more complicated understanding, suggesting that automation will bring neither apocalypse nor utopia, but instead both benefits and stress alike.” This two-page press release describes the report’s key findings. If it piques your interest, you can download the report “Automation and Artificial Intelligence: How machines are affecting people and places” in its entirety (108 pages) or just the 12-page executive summary (see the same page for link).
No business or life will be untouched by AI. The report’s projected differences in how AI’s will impact us not only demographically, but geographically, by educational attainment and type of occupation are alarming if you find yourself on the wrong end of it. Knowledge of this phenomenon is truly power for all of us: be sure your team and your family are well informed.